Friday, April 2, 2010

Octagon Tower

My next project to talk about is a Hirst Arts building. I purchased the starter mold at GenCon a couple of years ago and it sat on the shelf in my bathroom for a few months before I worked up the courage to actually do anything with it. It was intimidating at first since I didn't want to make any bad blocks and I didn't have the really good plaster that I kept reading about on the messages boards. After getting a half bucket of regular plaster of paris and biting the bullet to begin, it was actually quite easy. The hardest part? Well that would be the sheer number of times you have to cast each mold to make the required number of pieces. Also I didn't get the extra mold I needed to complete the tower. After receiving that as a birthday present the following year I was finally able to do something with all those blocks I had been creating. My first project was the Octagon Tower with mold's 63 and 40.

Gaming Table

The first project that I'm going to talk about is one of my newest. I've been thinking about building a table to use at home for the last few years. When I saw the pictures of the Sultan gaming table from GenCon a couple of years ago, I knew I wanted something along those lines. Only problem about that was that I didn't have the cash to have something so top end. After a couple of discussions with my dad and scratching out a basic design that I wanted to work from I set to creating the table in Sketch-up.

Using this to give me a basic sense of the proportions I wanted, I then made up a list of parts and dimensions of lumber. This proved a lot easier on paper then it did when I went to the local home improvement store to price out the lumber. After discussing the types and dimensions of lumber involved my dad and I narrowed down the plans and I purchased the lumber.

I wish I could say that I took a whole bunch of pictures of the table while it was being built in the various stages of the wide open workshop we built it in. Unfortunately none of that would be the case. We built it in the tail end of winter, in a garage that isn't heated, and since it was a garage during the winter it had all the things for summer stuffed inside it. But needless to say after much after the fact cleaning and straightening and moving about the table was built.

Now I wait for the warmer weather to varnish and finish the top and paint the under side. When that gets underway be sure I will have pictures with my new camera and documenting the process. Until the next project...